3 Jul 2011

Do animals have feeling...

While some scientists’ research does not support that idea that animals can be sad, many scientists have other research which shows they can! Studies have found that animals such as chimpanzees will show sad behaviors (like not playing or sitting apart from their group) when another animal passes away. Animals are also often known to make excited sounds when seeing a friend, which support the idea that they’re also able to be happy!

“Do animals have emotions?” The simple answer is, “Of course they do.”

A touching painful story:-

The story says “From Republic of Ukraine where the bird is interested quickly to save his wife. Millions of people cry after watching this picture in America and Europe:”

“Here his wife is injured and the condition is very appalling.”

“Here he brings her food and attend her with love and compassion.”

“Brings her food but shocked with her death and try to move her.” 

“Stand beside her and scream saddened of her death.” 

“Finally aware that she would not return to him and she departed him, stand beside her body with sad and sorrow.”

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